Part-Time Postgraduate Research Courses in Area Studies, Languages And Literature in Europe outside the EU - 612 Courses
- Creative Writing Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- History Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- European Languages Doctor of Philosophy - PhD Master of Philosophy - MPhil
- English Doctor of Philosophy - PhD Master of Philosophy - MPhil
- Archaeology Doctor of Philosophy - PhD Master of Philosophy - MPhil
- Welsh History Doctor of Philosophy - PhD Master of Philosophy - MPhil
- Chinese Studies Doctor of Philosophy - PhD Master of Philosophy - MPhil
- Creative and Critical Writing Doctor of Philosophy - PhD Master of Philosophy - MPhil
- Translation Studies (by practice) Doctor of Philosophy - PhD Master of Philosophy - MPhil
- Professional Writing, Film, Media, New Media, Journalism, Creative Studies, Drama, Professional Writing Doctor of Philosophy - PhD Master of Philosophy - MPhil
- Social Research and Applied Linguistics Master of Research - MRes
- African Studies Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MA (Res)
- Byzantine, Ottoman and Modern Greek Studies Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MA (Res)
- English Language and Applied Linguistics Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MA (Res)
- Creative Writing Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Russian Studies Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MA (Res)
- Translation Studies Practice-Based Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Creative Writing Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Russian and Eastern European Studies Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- African Studies Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MA (Res)
- Byzantine, Ottoman and Modern Greek Studies Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MA (Res)
- Comparative Literature Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Russian Studies Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MA (Res)
- Translation Studies Practice-Based Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- English Literature Doctor of Philosophy - PhD Master of Philosophy - MPhil
- English and Creative Writing (Including Literature) Doctor of Philosophy - PhD Master of Philosophy - MPhil
- Education Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Hebrew and Old Testament Studies Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MSc (Res) MTh Master of Philosophy - MPhil
- New Testament and Christian Origins Doctor of Philosophy - PhD Master of Philosophy - MPhil
- Classics (PhD) Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Scottish History Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MSc (Res)
- Celtic Studies MSc (Res)
- Celtic Studies and Scottish Studies Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Chinese Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MSc (Res)
- Comparative Literature Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Creative Writing Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- East Asian Studies Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- English Literature Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MSc (Res)
- French (MScR) MSc (Res)
- French (PhD) Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- German (MScR) MSc (Res)
- German (PhD) Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Intermediality PhD with Integrated Study
- Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies (IMES) Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MSc (Res)
- Italian Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MSc (Res)
- Japanese Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MSc (Res)
- Korean Studies Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Russian Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MSc (Res)
- Scandinavian Studies MScR MSc (Res)
- Scandinavian Studies PhD Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Scottish Ethnology MSc (Res)
- Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies (Hispanic Studies) MSc (Res)
- Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies (Hispanic Studies) PhD Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Translation Studies Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- English Language MSc (Res)
- Linguistics MSc (Res)
- Linguistics and English Language Doctor of Philosophy - PhD