Full-Time Masters Degrees in Musicology in England - 122 Courses
- Master of Music Master of Music - MMus
SOAS University of London
SOAS University of London
University of Southampton
University of Southampton
- Music (Composition) Master of Music - MMus
- Music (Music Education) Master of Music - MMus
- Music (Musicology) Master of Music - MMus
- Music (Performance) Master of Music - MMus
BIMM University
BIMM University
Music UK
- Experimental Performance MMus (Full Time) Master of Music - MMus
- Experimental Performance PgDip (Full-Time) Postgraduate Diploma - PgDip
- Instrumental Performance MMus (Full-Time) Master of Music - MMus
- Music MMus (Full-Time) Master of Music - MMus
- Music MMus (Part-Time) Master of Music - MMus
- Musicology Master of Arts - MA (PG)
- MA Music (Pathways: Musicology, Composition, Performance, Technology) Master of Music - MMus
- MMUS Music (Pathways: Musicology, Composition, Performance, Technology) Master of Music - MMus
- Popular Music Performance (Guitar, Bass, Drums) Master of Music - MMus
- Popular Music Performance (Vocals) Master of Music - MMus
- MA Music MA
University of Leeds
University of Leeds
School of Music
- Musicology MA
- Music (Musicology) MusM
University of Oxford
University of Oxford
- Music (Composition) MSt Master of Philosophy - MPhil
- Music (Musicology) MSt Master of Philosophy - MPhil
- Music (Performance) MSt Master of Philosophy - MPhil
Royal College of Music
Royal College of Music
- Fast-Track Master of Music in Performance (Brass) Master of Music - MMus
- Master of Music in Performance (Brass) Master of Music - MMus
Royal College of Music
Royal College of Music
- Fast-Track Master of Music in Composition - Composition Master of Music - MMus
- Fast-Track Master of Music in Composition - Composition for Screen Master of Music - MMus
- Master of Composition - Composition for Screen Master of Composition - MComp
- Master of Music in Composition - Composition Master of Music - MMus
Royal College of Music
Royal College of Music
- Master of Music in Performance (Conducting) Master of Music - MMus
- Master of Music in Performance (Historical Performance) Master of Music - MMus
Royal College of Music
Royal College of Music
- Fast-Track Master of Music in Performance (Keyboard) Master of Music - MMus
- Master of Music in Performance (Keyboard) Master of Music - MMus
Royal College of Music
Royal College of Music
- Fast-Track Master of Music in Performance (Percussion) Master of Music - MMus
- Master of Music in Performance (Percussion) Master of Music - MMus
Royal College of Music
Royal College of Music
- Fast-Track Master of Music in Performance (Strings) Master of Music - MMus
- Master of Music in Performance (Strings) Master of Music - MMus
Royal College of Music
Royal College of Music
Vocal Studies
- Master of Music in Performance (Vocal) Master of Music - MMus
Royal College of Music
Royal College of Music
- Fast-Track Master of Music in Performance (Woodwind) Master of Music - MMus
- Master of Music in Performance (Woodwind) Master of Music - MMus
- Master of Music in Composition Master of Music - MMus
- Master of Music in Composition (Intensive) Master of Music - MMus
- Master of Music in Conducting Master of Music - MMus
- Master of Music in Performance Master of Music - MMus
- Master of Music in Performance (Intensive) Master of Music - MMus
- Master of Performance MMus Master of Performance - MPerf
- Master of Performance (Intensive) Master of Performance - MPerf
- Master of Performance in Popular Music Master of Performance - MPerf
- Master of Performance in Popular Music (Intensive) Master of Performance - MPerf
- Postgraduate Diploma: Advanced Studies in Music Performance Postgraduate Diploma - PgDip
University of Sheffield
University of Sheffield
- Musicology MA
Trinity Laban
Trinity Laban
- MMus (Composition/Jazz/Performance) Master of Music - MMus
- MMus (Ensemble Artistry) Master of Music - MMus
- MMus (Performer/Composer) Master of Music - MMus
- Master of Music (MMus Composition/Performance/Collaborative Piano/Performer Composer) Master of Music - MMus
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