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University of Strathclyde: International Relations

Institution University of Strathclyde View institution profile
Department Government and Public Policy
Telephone 0141 444 8600
Study type Taught


This course will equip you with a grounding in the analysis of international politics, in terms of the issues, actors and processes that shape the world today and also the theoretical frameworks and methodological techniques by which we make sense of them.

What role do powerful states, international organisations and social movements play in international and regional politics? How should we respond to global crises and conflicts? How does power operate in, across and between states? In what ways do international political and economic processes shape the everyday lives of people across the globe? And how can we explain and evaluate such processes?


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Founded in 1796 as 'a place of useful learning', the University of Strathclyde has around 30,000 students from more than 140 nations. A leading international technological university, we are located in the heart of Glasgow - one of the UK’s largest cities.

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