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Making The Most Of Your Free Time
It’s true that postgraduate study consists of a lot of self-motivated study, and in some ways you can decide on how much of this you wish to do. At first it may seem like you are going to have a lot of free time on your hands, however this isn’t the case at all, in fact it’s the complete opposite.
Studying for a postgraduate is extremely time-consuming, but this shouldn’t put you off! All it means is that you need to keep an eye on your schedule and make sure that you enjoy your free time even more than usual, especially in the holidays.
It’s important that you make the most out of your free time as a postgraduate student.
Here are a few ideas.
Find your PERFECT POSTGRAD PROGRAMHead to the cinema
Going to the cinema has always been an enjoyable experience, however what makes it an even better thing to do as a postgraduate student is the fact that there are lots of offers for students, which as a postgraduate you can still reap the benefits from. It doesn’t matter whether you are an international student or a UK student, as long as you have a valid student card you can get cheap cinema tickets. Your local cinema may even offer extra student discounts on certain days – check out their website to see if they do.
Eating out
Eating out is a massive part of the UK culture and it is the perfect activity as it allows you to relax, whilst at the same time giving you a break from cooking. Like at the cinema, local restaurants often offer special deals and discounts for students. You should keep your eye out for them as soon as you start on your postgraduate course. Usually in the first few weeks of term you will be bombarded with flyers and leaflets advertising all the deals that are on offer. You shouldn’t just bin these straight away as they will often contain some really amazing deals. Money is often tight when you are a student, and these deals can really help you out. Make sure you try and eat healthily too.
Enjoy a sporting event
A great thing about studying for a postgraduate in the UK is that you will never be far away from some kind of sporting event. Every major UK city has a football, rugby and cricket team, and some of the smaller towns do as well. Heading out to watch sport is a fun and fulfilling thing to do with your free time. Whatever sport you are into, we can promise you that you will never be too far away from an event. Again, it is a good idea to check whether you can get a student discount on tickets before you buy them. Joining a university-based sports’ team is also a good way to utilise your free time and keep you fit and healthy at the same time.
Go for a night out
Many people associate UK student night life primarily with undergraduates. But it is just as an important scene for postgraduate students. The reason for this is that a night out allows postgraduates to relax and take a breather from the constant studying. For a few hours you can forget about the pressures of your degree and just enjoy spending time with friends and maybe have a couple of drinks and even a dance. In most places where there is a university there will be student places to go for a night out, these will offer cheap entry and great deals on drinks and food for students.
Host a dinner party
It’s really fun to get a group of fellow students together for a meal, and while eating out regularly may not be an affordable option for all students, having some good friends round for dinner should be within your budget – especially if you ask everyone to contribute to the price of the ingredients or to bring a bottle. Homemade spaghetti bolognaise with garlic bread won’t break the bank, but it will boost everyone’s mood as you all sit round the table enjoying a shared dining experience. And once you get the ball rolling you should find that people take turns to host the dinner parties, making for regular, cheap, fun nights out – or should that be in?
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