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May 22, 2024

Edinburgh has 20 part-time online masters scholarships

University of EdinburghThe University of Edinburgh is offering 20 masters scholarships for eligible part-time distance learning courses.

The Edinburgh Global Online Learning Masters Scholarships will cover full tuition fees for the standard duration of the course. They will be available for students starting any eligible online part-time learning masters degree in the academic year 2024-2025. 

Applicants must be from eligible countries – these are based on the categories ‘Least Developed Countries’, ‘Other Low Income Countries’ and ‘Lower Middle Income Countries’ as stated by the Organisation for Economic Corporation and Development Assistance Committee.

Students should already have been offered a place to study on an eligible online masters at the University of Edinburgh, and should have accepted that offer or be intending to do so. The scholarships will be awarded on academic merit and the strength of a personal statement, priority will be given to those who have not previously had the opportunity to study at masters level.

The scholarship application deadline is 11.59pm on Monday 3rd June 2024.

Find out more and apply now.

Looking for funding for postgraduate studies? Check out the exclusive bursaries on offer from Postgrad Solutions.  

Content added on 22nd May 2024.  

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