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Cranfield University: MSc by Research in Design Engineering

Institution Cranfield University View institution profile
Department Cranfield University
Telephone 01234 758540
Study type Research


This is an exciting opportunity for candidates who would like to complete an MSc by Research in any topic that fits within the broad remit of design engineering for which the expert supervisor/s within the centre are recognised.

Particular interests of the supervisors within the centre include, but are not limited to: Design Thinking Breakthrough Innovation Design Led Innovation Rapid/Agile Innovation Product Design Engineering Industrial Design Engineering Applied Circular Economy Digital Design Innovation Design, Strategy and Leadership Strategic Creativity User Centred Design

Throughout the research studies, you will be given every opportunity for personal academic development through publishing and attendance at conferences and will be encouraged to fully participate in the wider research activities.

In addition, you will be able to benefit from:

Seminars and Events: These include lunchtime research seminars from faculty and visiting academics, and the Doctoral Colloquia which is a forum for researchers to present research in a supportive environment.

Publishing papers: From year one the school will support you in developing your publishing potential and we regularly organise writing workshops to support researchers in this important activity.

Supervisors: At Cranfield we place great importance on supervision and the relationship a student has with his or her supervisor. The relationship is intended to be a stimulating and fruitful partnership, in which the supervisor provides guidance on the nature of research and the standards expected, and the student develops as a competent researcher, fully utilising the wide range of resources available.

MSc (Res)

Cranfield is a specialist postgraduate university that is a global leader for education and transformational research in technology and management.


We have many world-class, large-scale facilities, including our own global research airport, which offers a unique environment for transformational education and research, living laboratory for testing transformative technologies and new approaches to deliver enhanced social, economic and environmental outcomes. 

Cranfield teaches over 5,000 postgraduate students each year and employs around 1,500 academic and support staff.  Our staff-to-student ratio is one of the best for any university in the UK.

As one of the UK's most business-engaged University, …

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