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University of Hull: MSc Offshore Wind Energy and the Environment

Institution University of Hull
Department Faculty of Science and Engineering
Telephone 01482 466850
Study type Taught


The move to cleaner economic growth is one of the greatest industrial challenges and opportunities of our time.

The offshore wind industry underpins UK solutions to this challenge to reduce carbon emissions in line with the UK’s climate 2050 commitments.

There's no better place study an MSc in Offshore Wind Energy. The University of Hull is leading the way in renewable energies and low carbon futures through Aura and the Energy and Environment Institute. Due to our favourable geography, local expertise and government support, the Humber Estuary in particular is now the globally leading location for offshore wind development and employment.

On this degree, you'll gain a multidisciplinary understanding of the offshore wind industry and its relationship and environment, as well as developing professional skills and collaborative working.


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