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Ulster University: PGCE - Home Economics with Food & Nutrition & Nutrition & Food Science

Institution Ulster University
Department Coleraine Campus
Telephone 028 70123210
Study type Taught


The closing date is 8th January 2023.

On successful completion of initial teacher education student teachers will be able to evidence their competence and be awarded the Post Graduate Certificate in Education allowing them to register with the General Teaching Council of Northern Ireland. They will also accrue 60 CATS points towards a Master’s degree in Education. In total the PGCE is worth 120 points ( 60 at Master’s level 7 and 60 at Post graduate level 6).

"The Northern Ireland Curriculum aims to empower young people to achieve their potential and to make informed and responsible decisions throughout their lives." The overall aim of our PGCE programme at Ulster is to support this aim and to foster the development of pedagogical competences in the following three areas: - Professional Values and Practice; Professional Knowledge and Understanding and Professional Skills and Application. To achieve these aims the PGCE post-primary programme at Ulster University prepares student teachers to be competent in the following: - the ability to plan, teach and assess worthwhile learning activities in their subject area(s) in post-primary schools in Northern Ireland for the 11-18 age group; - the acquisition of the knowledge, understanding and skills that are essential for the promotion of learning among pupils; - to assume responsibility for developing as competent reflective practitioners, able to monitor and evaluate their teaching performance; - to realise a commitment to on-going personal and professional development in pursuit of sustained pupil learning and school improvement. Student teachers on the PGCE will evidence their competence through achieving the following objectives: - by demonstrating a critical understanding of the Northern Ireland Curriculum and of National Curriculum requirements; -by demonstrating a knowledge of their subject and its contribution to the area of study and to the "Big Picture" of the curriculum at Key Stages 3 & 4 with its objectives of:

a) developing the young person as an individual;

b) developing the young person as a contributor to society and

c) developing the young person as a contributor to the economy and the environment.

Postgraduate Certificate in Education - PGCE

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