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Researching programs

When you are looking at how to choose a degree is important to read carefully through your postgraduate prospectus to find out what the various postgraduate programs involves. You could narrow down your options by using the course search facility on this site to search our comprehensive database of UK postgraduate programs.


Find masters programs

researching masters programThink broadly about the titles of programs that you might be interested in. Although you may be looking for a masters program or a PhD program in Urban Planning, programs in this field may have a wide range of titles – for example, Urban Management, Planning and Society, Geography and Planning, Urban Design. It is also important to consider how a degree program with a general title might have options or specialist pathways within it that enable you to focus on your particular interests. For example, an MA in Theatre Studies may enable you to focus on Elizabethan Theatre, Costume Design or Production. It is always helpful to look at exactly what is covered and what the options may be within a program with a general name.

Personal contacts

A good source of information will be the academic staff in your current university. They will have a good knowledge of their subject area and may well know which universities offer programs in the subjects that you want to study. The advantage of using such personal contacts when you are trying to find masters programs is that they may know the staff who teach on some of the programs either personally or through their publications and research, and so can give a very detailed insight. The disadvantage is that they may not know all the programs available, their information may not be up to date and they may not know of new programs that have been started. Also, if you are an excellent student they may have a vested interest in your staying on at your current university!

Education agents

Another source of information when looking at how to choose a degree is through education agents. Agents provide information and support for students seeking to study abroad , and will have access to many sources of useful information. They earn their income by either charging applicants for assisting them to apply or by charging a fee to the university with which you finally register. This means they will have a commercial relationship with a selected number of universities. Therefore they might not necessarily provide information on all the universities and programs available, and may encourage you to apply to those that will provide the agents with the best financial benefits for themselves. Students are often wary about the advice and help they receive from education agents, however most are reputable and provide a useful and professional service to both students and universities.


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