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May 19, 2023

8 fully-funded scholarships available in data science techniques

Do you want to learn data science techniques with an industry partner, solving real-world social issues? Discover these eight, fully ESRC-funded opportunities.

Data Science Techniques scholarships

Each standard studentship covers the cost of tuition fees, provides a doctoral stipend of £18,622, (to increase slightly each year with inflation), and a Research Training Support Grant, for four years, and applications are open to both Home and International fee rated applicants.

Eligible applicants can apply to a selection of different projects, including the University of Leeds, University of Sheffield and the University of Liverpool, by identifying their area of interest and applying online before the deadline of Tuesday 23rd May 2023.   

To be eligible, applicants must have a 2.1 honours degree or equivalent in a relevant subject. International students must also have achieved an IELTs score of 7 or a TOEFL score of 100.

Find out more and apply.

Looking for funding for postgraduate studies? Check out the exclusive bursaries on offer from Postgrad Solutions.  

Content added on 19th May 2023. 

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