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LIBF: Banking and Sustainable Finance

Institution LIBF View institution profile
Department Finance
Telephone 00442039364055
Study type Taught


This programme equips you with the skills and knowledge needed to address the challenges and opportunities arising from sustainable development in the banking and finance industry. The programme focuses on the integration of sustainable practices and principles in the banking and financial sector and discusses environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors that are increasingly shaping the financial industry With this MSc, you can broaden your understanding of modern banking in general and gain a deeper understanding of current challenges and develop skills in:

  • criticism and analysis

  • digital and technical literacy

  • relationship building and team working

  • commercial awareness and growth mindset

  • communication.

Modern banks, financial institutions and businesses need senior people with expertise in fintech, sustainable finance, and risk and compliance. The programme uses a variety of assessment methods to help you develop practical skills in sustainable finance and banking. Our academics are subject matter experts and have hands-on industry experience, allowing you to examine real-life scenarios and case studies to give you practical understanding. You’ll also attain chartered status and advance your banking career. Study full or part time, entirely online and you can start your course at a time of year that fits with your schedule and access the course whenever and wherever suits you.


London Institute of Banking & Finance









Ever thought about advancing your career with an online degree? Enhance your expertise with our LIBF Postgraduate degrees in fields like Business & Management, Data, IT & Computing, and Finance.

Founded with a commitment to excellence, LIBF offers a unique educational experience tailored to your lifestyle. Our online degrees are globally recognised and focus on delivering practical skills and forward-thinking leadership.

At LIBF, you’ll benefit from industry-leading lecturers in business, finance, and technology, making top-tier expertise accessible wherever you are. Our innovative learning tools ensure you can study at your own pace, supported by a robust community and career-focused guidance. …

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