Full-Time Postgraduate Courses in Edinburgh in Scotland - 567 Courses
- Accounting and Finance MSc
- Banking Innovation and Risk Analytics MSc
- Business Analytics MSc
- Business Economics PhD with Integrated Study
- Climate Change Finance and Investment MSc
- Entrepreneurship and Innovation MSc
- Finance MSc PhD with Integrated Study
- Finance, Technology and Policy MSc
- Financial Technology Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Full-time MBA MBA MBA (International)
- Global Strategy & Sustainability MSc
- Human Resource Management MSc
- International Human Resource Management MSc
- MSc by Research MSc (Res)
- Management MSc PhD with Integrated Study
- Management Science and Analytics PhD with Integrated Study
- Marketing MSc
- Archaeology MSc (Res)
- Architecture, Landscape and Environment MSc
- Data, Inequality and Society MSc PgDip (Initial Qualification) Postgraduate Certificate - PgCert
- Education Futures MSc
- Acoustics and Music Technology MSc
- Advanced Sustainable Design MSc
- Architectural Conservation MSc
- Architectural History Doctor of Philosophy - PhD Master of Philosophy - MPhil
- Architectural and Urban Design MSc
- Architecture Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MSc (Res) Master of Philosophy - MPhil
- Architecture by Design Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Architecture, Landscape and Environment MSc
- Architecture, Master of (ARB/RIBA part 2) Master of Architecture - MArch
- Art Doctor of Philosophy - PhD Master of Philosophy - MPhil
- Collections and Curating Practices MSc (Res)
- Composition MMus (Comp) Master of Music - MMus
- Contemporary Art Practice MA
- Contemporary Art Theory MA
- Creative Music Practice Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Cultural Studies Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MSc (Res)
- Design Doctor of Philosophy - PhD Master of Philosophy - MPhil
- Design Informatics MA
- Design and Digital Media MSc
- Design for Change MA
- European Masters in Landscape Architecture European Master's
- Film Directing MA
- Global Premodern Art: History, Heritage and Curation Master of Science - MSc (PG)
- Graphic Design MA
- History of Art Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MSc (Res) Master of Philosophy - MPhil
- History of Art, Theory and Display MSc
- Illustration MA
- Interior, Architectural and Spatial Design MA
- Landscape & Wellbeing MSc
- Landscape Architecture Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MLA Master of Philosophy - MPhil
- Landscape and Wellbeing MSc
- Modern and Contemporary Art: History, Curating, Criticism MSc
- Music Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MSc (Res)
- Musical Composition Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Musicology Master of Music - MMus
- Sound Design MSc MSc (Res)
- Urban Strategies and Design MSc
- Child Protection Data Futures MSc
- Child Protection Data Futures (Online Learning) MSc
- Circular Economy MSc Postgraduate Certificate - PgCert Postgraduate Diploma - PgDip
- Creative Industries MSc
- Data and Artificial Intelligence Ethics MSc Postgraduate Certificate - PgCert Postgraduate Diploma - PgDip
- Data and Artificial Intelligence Ethics (Online Learning) MSc Postgraduate Certificate - PgCert Postgraduate Diploma - PgDip
- Data, Inequality and Society (Online Learning) MSc PgDip (Initial Qualification) Postgraduate Certificate - PgCert
- Education Futures MSc PgDip (Initial Qualification) Postgraduate Certificate - PgCert
- Education Futures (Online Learning) MSc Postgraduate Certificate - PgCert Postgraduate Diploma - PgDip
- Future Governance (Online Learning) MSc PgDip (Initial Qualification) Postgraduate Certificate - PgCert
- Future infrastructure, sustainability and climate change MSc
- Narrative Futures: Art, Data, Society MSc Postgraduate Certificate - PgCert Postgraduate Diploma - PgDip
- Narrative Futures: Art, Data, Society (Online Learning) MSc PgDip (Initial Qualification) Postgraduate Certificate - PgCert
- Planetary Health MSc Postgraduate Certificate - PgCert Postgraduate Diploma - PgDip
- Service Management and Design MSc Postgraduate Certificate - PgCert Postgraduate Diploma - PgDip
- Service Management and Design (Online Learning) MSc Postgraduate Certificate - PgCert Postgraduate Diploma - PgDip
- Sustainable Lands and Cities MSc Postgraduate Certificate - PgCert Postgraduate Diploma - PgDip
- Commercial Law LLM
- Comparative and European Private Law LLM
- Corporate Law LLM
- Criminal Law and Criminal Justice LLM
- Criminology and Criminal Justice MSc
- European Law LLM
- Global Crime, Justice and Security MSc
- Global Environment and Climate Change Law LLM
- Human Rights LLM
- Innovation, Technology and the Law LLM
- Intellectual Property Law LLM
- International Banking Law and Finance LLM
- International Economic Law LLM
- International Law LLM
- Law Doctor of Philosophy - PhD LLM LLM (Res)
- Medical Law and Ethics LLM
- Professional Legal Practice Postgraduate Diploma - PgDip
- Clinical Education Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Doctor of Medicine MD
- Endodontology DClinDent
- Regenerative Medicine and Tissue Repair Master of Research - MRes
- Comparative Education and International Development MSc
- Dance Science and Education MSc Postgraduate Diploma - PgDip
- Education Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MSc MSc (Res) Postgraduate Diploma - PgDip
- Inclusive Education MSc Postgraduate Certificate - PgCert Postgraduate Diploma - PgDip
- Language Education MSc Postgraduate Diploma - PgDip
- Outdoor Education MSc Postgraduate Certificate - PgCert Postgraduate Diploma - PgDip
- Outdoor Environmental and Sustainability Education MSc Postgraduate Certificate - PgCert Postgraduate Diploma - PgDip
- Performance Psychology MSc Postgraduate Diploma - PgDip
- Physical Activity for Health MSc Postgraduate Certificate - PgCert Postgraduate Diploma - PgDip
- Professional Graduate Diploma in Education (Primary) Professional Graduate Diploma in Education (Scotland)
- Professional Graduate Diploma in Education (Secondary) Professional Graduate Diploma in Education (Scotland)
- Sport Policy, Management and International Development MSc
- Sport, Physical Education and Health Sciences Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MSc (Res)
- Strength and Conditioning MSc Postgraduate Diploma - PgDip
- Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) MSc Postgraduate Certificate - PgCert Postgraduate Diploma - PgDip
- Transformative Learning and Teaching MSc
- Agriculture and Food Security Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Applied Animal Behaviour and Animal Welfare MSc
- Clinical Veterinary Sciences Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MSc (Res)
- Doctor of Veterinary Medicine DVetMed
- Functional Genetics and Development Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MSc (Res)
- Genetics and Genomics Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MSc (Res)
- Infection and Immunity Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MSc (Res)
- Animal Breeding and Genetics MSc Postgraduate Diploma - PgDip
- Biochemistry MSc Postgraduate Diploma - PgDip
- Biodiversity and Taxonomy of Plants MSc Postgraduate Diploma - PgDip
- Bioinformatics MSc Postgraduate Diploma - PgDip
- Biological Sciences (with Internship) Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Biotechnology MSc Postgraduate Diploma - PgDip
- Data Science for Biology MSc
- Drug Discovery and Translational Biology MSc Postgraduate Diploma - PgDip
- Ecology, Evolution and Biodiversity MSc
- Evolutionary Genetics MSc Postgraduate Diploma - PgDip
- Quantitative Genetics and Genome Analysis MSc Postgraduate Diploma - PgDip
- Synthetic Biology and Biotechnology MSc Postgraduate Diploma - PgDip
- Systems and Synthetic Biology MSc Postgraduate Diploma - PgDip
- Anatomical Sciences (Biomedical Sciences) Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Biomedical Sciences (Based in China) Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Biomedical Sciences (Life sciences) MSc (Res)
- Clinical Anatomy Master of Science - MSc (PG)
- Human Anatomy MSc
- Infection Medicine Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Infectious Diseases MSc (Res)
- Integrative Biomedical Sciences (Based in China) Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MSc (Res)
- Neuroscience (Biomedical Sciences - Centre for Discovery Brain Sciences) Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MSc (Res)
- Neuroscience (Integrative Neuroscience) MSc (Res)
- Science Communication and Public Engagement MSc
- Analytical Chemistry (MSc) MSc
- Chemistry Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MSc (Res)
- Materials Chemistry MSc
- Medicinal and Biological Chemistry MSc
- Cardiovascular Biology MSc (Res)
- Child Life and Health Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Clinical Brain Sciences Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Geriatric Medicine Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Inflammation Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MSc (Res)
- Medical Sciences MMedSci
- Orthodontics DClinDent
- Paediatric Dentistry DClinDent
- Prosthodontics DClinDent
- Psychiatry Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MSc (Res)
- Regenerative Medicine Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Reproductive Health Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Reproductive Sciences MSc (Res)
- Respiratory Medicine Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Surgery Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MSc (Res)
- Biblical Studies MSc MTh
- Ethics and Practical Theology Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MSc (Res) MTh Master of Philosophy - MPhil
- Hebrew and Old Testament Studies Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MSc (Res) MTh Master of Philosophy - MPhil
- History of Christianity Doctor of Philosophy - PhD Master of Philosophy - MPhil
- Islamic Studies and Christian-Muslim Relations Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MSc (Res) Master of Philosophy - MPhil
- New Testament and Christian Origins Doctor of Philosophy - PhD Master of Philosophy - MPhil
- Religion and Literature MSc MTh
- Religious Studies Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MSc Master of Philosophy - MPhil
- Science and Religion Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MPhil (Res) MSc
- Systematic Theology Doctor of Philosophy - PhD Master of Philosophy - MPhil
- Theology and Religious Studies MSc (Res) MTh
- Theology in History MSc MTh
- World Christianity Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MSc MSc (Res) MTh Master of Philosophy - MPhil
- Advanced Care PhD with Integrated Study
- Advanced Chemical Engineering MSc
- Advanced Power Engineering MSc
- Bioengineering MSc (Res)
- Digital Communications MSc (Res)
- Digital Design and Manufacture MSc
- Electrical Power Engineering MSc
- Electronics MSc
- Energy Systems MSc (Res)
- Engineering Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MPhil (Res)
- Engineering with Integrated Study PhD with Integrated Study
- Fire Engineering Science MSc
- Infrastructure and the Environment MSc (Res)
- Integrated Micro and Nano Systems (IMNS) MSc (Res)
- International Master of Science in Fire Safety Engineering MSc
- Materials and Processes MSc (Res)
- Offshore Renewable Energy (Industrial Doctorate Centre) EngD
- Sensor and Imaging Systems MSc
- Signal Processing and Communications MSc
- Sustainable Energy Systems MSc
- Applied Environmental Hydrogeology MSc
- Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Carbon Management MSc
- Earth Observation and Geoinformation Management MSc
- Ecological Economics MSc
- Energy, Society and Sustainability MSc
- Environment and Development MSc
- Environment, Culture and Society MSc
- Environmental Protection and Management MSc
- Environmental Sustainability MSc
- Food Security MSc
- GeoEnergy MSc
- GeoSciences (Individual Project - Taught Pathway) MSc (Res)
- GeoSciences (Individual Project) MSc (Res)
- Geographical Information Science MSc
- Geology and Geophysics Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Human Geography MSc (Res)
- Human Geography and Environmental Sciences Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Marine Systems and Policies MSc
- Palaeontology and Geobiology MSc (Res)
- Soils and Sustainability MSc
- Advanced Nursing MSc
- Applied Psychology (Healthcare) for Children and Young People MSc
- Clinical Psychology DClinPsy
- Clinical and Health Psychology Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MSc (Res)
- Counselling (Interpersonal Dialogue) MCoun
- Counselling Studies MSc MSc (Res)
- Counselling Studies (PhD) Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Health Humanities and Arts MSc (Res)
- Health in Social Science Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- International and Cross-Cultural Counselling Studies Master of Science - MSc (PG)
- Mental Health in Children and Young People: Psychological Approaches MSc
- Nursing Studies Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MSc (Res)
- Nursing with Pre-Registration (Adult) Master of Nursing - MN
- Psychological Therapies MSc
- Psychology of Mental Health (Conversion) MSc
- Psychotherapy and Counselling DPsychotherapy
- American History MSc
- Ancient History MSc
- Archaeology Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MSc
- Classical Art and Archaeology MSc
- Classics MSc
- Classics (MScR) MSc (Res)
- Classics (PhD) Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Contemporary History MSc
- Cultural Heritage Futures MSc
- Economic and Social History Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MSc (Res)
- European Archaeology MSc
- History Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MSc MSc (Res)
- Human Osteoarchaeology MSc
- Intellectual History MSc
- Late Antique, Islamic and Byzantine Studies MSc
- Medieval History MSc
- Mediterranean Archaeology MSc
- Scottish History Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MSc MSc (Res)
- Advanced Technology for Financial Computing MSc
- Artificial Intelligence MSc
- Cognitive Science MSc
- Computer Science MSc
- Cyber Security, Privacy and Trust Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MSc
- Data Science MSc
- Design Informatics MSc
- EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Robotics and Autonomous Systems Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre (EPCC) Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- High Performance Computing MSc Postgraduate Diploma - PgDip
- Informatics: AIAI: Foundations and Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Automated Reasoning, Agents, Data Intensive Research Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MSc (Res) Master of Philosophy - MPhil
- Informatics: ANC: Machine Learning, Computational Neuroscience, Computational Biology Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MSc (Res) Master of Philosophy - MPhil
- Informatics: ICSA: Computer Architecture, Compilation and System software, Networks and Communication Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MSc (Res) Master of Philosophy - MPhil
- Informatics: ILCC: Language Processing, Speech Technology, Information Retrieval, Cognition Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MSc (Res) Master of Philosophy - MPhil
- Informatics: IPAB: Robotics, Computer Vision, Computer Graphics and Animation Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MSc (Res) Master of Philosophy - MPhil
- Informatics: LFCS: Theory and Foundations of Computer Science, Databases, Software and Systems Modelling Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MSc (Res) Master of Philosophy - MPhil
- UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Biomedical Artificial Intelligence Master of Research - MRes PhD with Integrated Study
- UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Natural Language Processing PhD with Integrated Study
- Celtic Studies MSc (Res)
- Celtic Studies and Scottish Studies Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Chinese Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MSc (Res)
- Comparative Literature Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MSc
- Creative Writing Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MSc
- East Asian Studies Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- English Literature Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MSc (Res)
- English Literature: Literature and Modernity: 1900 to the Present MSc
- English Literature: Literature and Society: Enlightenment, Romantic and Victorian MSc
- European Theatre Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Film Studies Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MSc
- Film, Exhibition and Curation MSc
- French (MScR) MSc (Res)
- French (PhD) Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- German (MScR) MSc (Res)
- German (PhD) Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Globalised Muslim World, The MSc
- Intermediality PhD with Integrated Study
- Intermediality: Literature, Film and the Other Arts MSc
- Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies MSc
- Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies (IMES) Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MSc (Res)
- Italian Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MSc (Res)
- Japanese Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MSc (Res)
- Korean Studies Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MSc (Res)
- Language and Intercultural Communication MSc Postgraduate Certificate - PgCert Postgraduate Diploma - PgDip
- Medieval Studies Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Playwriting MSc
- Russian Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MSc (Res)
- Scandinavian Studies MScR MSc (Res)
- Scandinavian Studies PhD Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Scottish Ethnology MSc (Res)
- Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies (Hispanic Studies) MSc (Res)
- Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies (Hispanic Studies) PhD Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Translation Studies Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MSc
- Algebra Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Analysis Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Applied and Computational Mathematics Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Computational Applied Mathematics MSc
- Computational Mathematical Finance MSc
- Financial Modelling and Optimization MSc
- Geometry and Topology Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Mathematical Modelling, Analysis and Computation Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Mathematical Physics Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Mathematics Education Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Operational Research MSc
- Operational Research with Computational Optimisation MSc
- Operational Research with Data Science MSc
- Operational Research with Risk MSc
- Optimization and Operational Research Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Probability and Stochastic Analysis Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Statistics Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Statistics and Operational Research MSc
- Statistics with Data Science MSc
- Cancer (Edinburgh Cancer Research Centre) Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MSc (Res)
- Genetics and Molecular Medicine (MRC Human Genetics Unit) Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MSc (Res)
- Genomics and Experimental Medicine Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MSc (Res)
- Global Health Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MSc (Res)
- Medical Informatics Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Pathology Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Population Health Sciences Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MSc (Res)
- Precision Medicine Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Public Health, Master of MPH
- Applied Linguistics MSc
- Developmental Linguistics MSc
- Developmental Science MSc
- English Language MSc MSc (Res)
- Evolution of Language and Cognition MSc
- Human Cognitive Neuropsychology MSc
- Linguistics MSc MSc (Res)
- Linguistics and English Language Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Mind, Language and Embodied Cognition MSc
- Particle and Nuclear Physics MSc
- Philosophy Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MSc MSc (Res)
- Phonetics MSc
- Psychological Research MSc
- Psychology Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MSc (Res)
- Psychology of Individual Differences MSc
- Psychology of Language MSc
- Social Psychology MSc
- Speech and Language Processing MSc
- Astrobiology and Planetary Sciences MSc
- Astrophysics Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Condensed Matter Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Mathematical Physics MSc
- Nuclear Physics Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Particle Physics Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Theoretical Physics MSc
- Africa and International Development MSc
- African Studies Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Comparative Public Policy MSc
- Conflict, Security and Development Master of Science - MSc (PG)
- Digital Sociology MSc
- Future Governance MSc Postgraduate Certificate - PgCert Postgraduate Diploma - PgDip
- Global Environment, Politics and Society MSc
- Global Health Policy Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MSc
- Global Mental Health and Society MSc
- International Development Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MSc
- International Relations MSc
- International and European Politics MSc
- Management of Bioeconomy, Innovation and Governance MSc
- Medical Anthropology MSc
- Politics Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Public Policy MSc
- Science and Technology Studies Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MSc (Res)
- Science and Technology in Society MSc
- Social Anthropology Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MSc
- Social Policy Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Social Research MSc Postgraduate Certificate - PgCert
- Social Work Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Social Work, Master of Master of Social Work - MSW
- Social and Political Science Doctor of Philosophy - PhD MSc (Res)
- Socio-cultural Studies Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Sociology Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- Sociology and Global Change MSc
- South Asian Studies Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
- The Middle East in Global Politics Master of Science - MSc (PG)
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