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Posted Jan. 5, 2016

5 Tips To Being An Organised Postgrad Student

Postgrad Files Organised

There is no better time to start being organised as a postgraduate student than right now!

Getting your act together and making a few changes to the way you live and study could see you getting better grades.

And with some good time-management skills you could become much more successful as a postgrad.

Let’s take a look at the various ways you can be better organised during your postgraduate studies.

1. Keep a notebook

Postgrad program course searchIn order to be on top of the dozens of dates and deadlines that make up postgraduate study, it is crucial to have everything to need in one place. Some might want to do this with a diary, others might like a to-do-list on their phone, but the best way is with a notebook that can be separated by sections, so it does not get disorganised. Whatever way you chose to keep note of your schedule, stick to it and make it a habit of checking it every day.

2. Prioritise and plan

There is always going to be more to do than you have time for, which is why it is essential to learn how to prioritise. The best thing to do is to make an achievable to-do list every day and stick to it. Once you've got that under wraps start planning for the long-term goals. Make weekly, monthly and yearly schedules and pinpoint exactly what you are hoping to accomplish.

3. Set strict time limits

Eliminating open-ended time frames for a particular task that you need to achieve will enable you to stay focused and undistracted. A neat trick is to get a simple kitchen timer and set it to 60 minutes. Take a five-minute break for a nice cuppa or a stroll around the block when it pings, then repeat throughout the day with longer breaks for lunch.

4. Speak to your supervisor  

It’s a good idea to meet regularly with your supervisor. Checking in with them will help you to keep focused and keep you aware of any deadlines or changes to your academic requirements and schedule. Even if you only send them an email or have a brief telephone chat, it will remind them that you exist and remind you why you wanted to study your specific area in the first place.

5. Regularly re-order your notes

Every time you go back into your study area, do countless ring binders and sheets of loose paper meet you? Tackle it before it becomes a problem. Sort your notes by subject, topic or by sections of your dissertation or thesis. The amount of time it takes you might seem like a lot, but this is nothing compared to the frantic hours you will save as you look for a crucial quote at the last minute. You might even find a piece of useful research that you’d half forgotten you’d done.

6. Sort out your finances

Many of us students live in financial denial, we are fully in our overdrafts and keep all bank statements either unopened or in that huge pile of paperwork on the desk. However, once the postgraduate course cones to an end you are going to have to deal with the finances of the real world. Try and tackle your finances head on as soon as you can. Consider opening savings accounts or changing to a more perk-filled bank account that you’ll be able to use in the future.

7. Practise self-control

As much as you love the internet (who doesn't) it can also be your number one nemesis when it comes to effective management of your postgraduate time. If you want to improve concentration, then you seriously need to practice self-control when it comes to Facebook, Twitter and all those other social media sites that you check like every five minutes! Yes, social media can be useful for postgraduate studies it can also be the chief cause of procrastination.

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