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Aug. 4, 2020

Swansea University is holding a Postgraduate Virtual Open Day

Swansea UniversityBooking is now open for the Swansea University Postgraduate Virtual Open Day that’s taking place on Wednesday 9th September 2020.

Register for this Live Virtual Open Day and receive exclusive access to live events such as:

· Department and/or subject presentations
· Live question and answer session with staff
· Live question and answer session with students
· Live virtual tours

The program of events will vary by department/college.

At this online event you will have the opportunity to discuss the various postgraduate funding options available, along with being able to explore the great teaching facilities, accommodation options, sporting facilities and range of student support services.

Register your place today.

Looking for funding for postgraduate studies? Check out the exclusive bursaries on offer from Postgrad Solutions.  

Content added on 4th August 2020. 

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