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Posted Aug. 9, 2013

Common Postgraduate Mistakes

You will find that, as a Postgraduate student going back to University, you will inevitably make some common mistakes. Whether you’ve only had a few years out from studying, or if you’ve been away for a decade or two, there are common pitfalls that can catch out the unwary, regardless of age and experience. This article will give you some great tips on how to navigate your way through the perilous waters of University life to make these the best years of your life! Fact.

Even if you reckon your organisational skills to be top notch there is always room for improvement. You may have perfected the all-nighter as an Undergraduate, meeting deadlines by the skin of your teeth. You may have mastered the art of raising children, making it look effortless. You may have excelled in a high-powered, fast-paced job while downing jaggerbombs at night. You may have even been the Prime Minister’s personal assistant! However, when it comes to organising and prioritising your university work you may just find yourself out of your depth.

Self-discipline One of the biggest differences you face as a postgrad, compared to an undergrad, is a significantly reduced number of contact hours with academic staff in your chosen department. Self-discipline is crucial here to keep you engaged and on track. When and where you conduct your research, reading and writing will be entirely up to you; this degree of freedom can catch some postgrads out. Make sure it’s not you! Creating a timetable to keep on top of things is one way to organise your time effectively.

Read smart Another noticeable change from undergrad study is the epic reading list. If you thought you had it bad back then, then think again. If you are given a reading list in the summer holiday leading up to the start of term one important tip is not to leave it until term starts. Sounds simple but it could make all the difference! But remember to give yourself a proper break as postgrad study is demanding on your time and energy. If you are finding it all too much then why not have a look at’s article on ‘ Stress busting tips ’, which takes you through how to look after your health and wellbeing even when you are trying to achieve the top results.

Pace yourself If you only take away one thing from this article, then remember this: It's a marathon, not a sprint! Often you will be researching a chosen topic for a number of months or even years, rather than the couple of weeks typical of undergrad study. Don't make the mistake of thinking that you can write something the night before and still pass! If you do find yourself in a tricky situation’s article ‘ Boost learning without caffeine ’ recommends you stay off the black stuff and try some fruit instead…

With these hints and tips in mind you will navigating your way through postgrad life like a pro in no time!

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