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May 3, 2022

Swansea University supports project to restore rainforests

Swansea UniversityLeading researchers, within Swansea University’s Geography Department, have renewed their successful partnership with a pioneering rainforest research program in Borneo⁠, following a new £3,330,000 research grant. Under the project lead, Professor Mary Gagen, the partnership aims to halt global deforestation.

The South East Asia Rainforest Research Partnership (SEARRP) continues its decades-long collaboration with Swansea University, signing a new five-year partnership agreement. From its world-renowned base in Danum Valley Field Centre in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo, SEARRP supports world-class environmental science and research. It addresses the key issues facing the conversation, management, and restoration of tropical rainforests and landscapes of southeast Asia.

This renewal between SEARRP and Swansea University follows two National Geographic Grants:

  • An Explore Grant supported by Professor Gagen’s climate change research in Sabah
  • A National Geographic Community Grant, which will see Professor Gagen supporting the development of a community-driven conversation outreach and environment education program for Borneo’s lowland rainforest

Professor Gagen commented on the importance of this collaborative initiative, saying, “Forest science has always been a strong part of Swansea University’s environmental research and that is set to accelerate with the establishment of this new partnership agreement with SEARRP on tropical forest research.”

She continues, “Swansea has worked with SEARRP since its inception in the 1980s and that relationship has grown into a new phase, based not only around rainforest science but around environmental outreach and public engagement. Despite many global pledges and declarations on forest protection global deforestation continues at an unsustainable pace. Sabah is a world-leader in developing forest policy which supports environmental conservation, and we’re delighted to be cementing Swansea’s relationship with SEARRP as we enter the critical decade for turning the corner on halting global deforestation and protecting and preserving forest for future generations.”

Find out more about SEARRP’s research and the global impact Swansea is making.

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Content added on 3rd May 2022. 

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