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University of Strathclyde: Sustainable Engineering (Marine Technology)

Institution University of Strathclyde View institution profile
Department Naval Architecture, Ocean and Marine Engineering
Telephone +44 (0)141 574 5484
Study type Taught


This flexible programme combines study in specialist, advanced engineering technologies underpinned with training in sustainability.

The programme has been developed with direct industrial involvement to provide you with a solid understanding of modern, sustainable engineering. As well as gaining an understanding of how sustainable engineering applies to Marine Technology, this programme will also provide you with key transferable skills to aid your employability.


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Masters and Taught Courses in Scotland 

Founded in 1796 as 'a place of useful learning', the University of Strathclyde has around 30,000 students from more than 140 nations. A leading international technological university, we are located in the heart of Glasgow - one of the UK’s largest cities.

We have been delivering academic excellence through world-class research and teaching, providing students with flexible, innovative learning in preparation for their chosen career path for more than 200 years.

The University has been awarded Scottish University of the Year 2024, and UK University …

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