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University of Dundee: Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation Technology (MSc)

Institution University of Dundee
Department School of Medicine
Study type Taught


Technology is central to the treatment of orthopaedic and rehabilitation patients, and there is an ever-increasing range of devices designed to help improve patients' lives.

This course has been designed by experts in the fields of orthopaedics, biomechanics, and rehabilitation technology to reflect contemporary knowledge and practice in these fields. Throughout the course, you'll learn how underlying principles of orthopaedic and rehabilitation technology can be applied in a clinical setting.

You'll learn about fundamental mechanics and specific engineering concepts related to orthopaedic devices and treatments. This will allow you to objectively assess technological approaches to the treatment of orthopaedic disease, trauma, and deformity.

For those from a physics or engineering background, the course starts by building your knowledge of skeletal anatomy and physiology as well as orthopaedic and disability medicine. If you are from a clinical or biomedical sciences background, you'll start with basic rigid body and structural mechanics concepts relevant to orthopaedics and rehabilitation.

You'll then study biomechanics, including skeletal and tissue mechanics and how these can be measured, explore aids used in patient rehabilitation, including prosthetics, othortics, and mobility aids, and look in-depth at orthopaedic technology, including joint arthroplasty, bone fixation, and implant mechanics and materials before completing a research project including a viva examination.


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