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University of Bedfordshire: Sustainable Management

Institution University of Bedfordshire
Department Department of Business Systems and Operations
Telephone 0300 3300 073
Study type Taught


Sustainability management is fast becoming a key driving force in shaping organisational strategy as companies are under pressure to compete in the Green Economy.

This course focuses on the relationship between the economic ambitions of businesses and the necessity to meet the growing global concern to meet sustainability agendas.

Through a combination of academic study and working with industry on real sustainability-related problems, you will develop the personal and professional skills you need to be a key player in this global, knowledge-based economy.

There are six entry points through the year. This allows you to start when it is most suitable.

  • Study the core areas of sustainability within the corporate sector, and logistics management and its relationship with sustainability

  • Gain intimate knowledge of the structural issues companies and counties face when implementing a sustainability agenda.

  • Develop advanced knowledge of organisational approaches to sustainability as well as of government policies and the critical capabilities to apply theory to complex issues

  • Explore your enterprise, creativity and independence – the skills required by employers - through your dissertation unit

  • Develop your employability by undertaking a work placement with the opportunity to work on a live project

  • Benefit from studying with a Business School that has partners across the world enabling you to examine the cross culture perspectives essential to organisations in the global markets


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