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Studying an MBA in the USAStudying an MBA in the USA sounds glamorous for sure, but it is more than just a “brand name” qualification and a fancy proclamation to impress others. In this article we discuss why gaining an MBA in America could be beneficial to your career goals, and how the experience of pursuing the qualification can enrich your life in important ways for years to come.

A range of business schools for every student

It is a well-known fact that the USA has some of the most reputable business schools across the globe. The traditional “M7” business schools attract the best and brightest talents and business hopefuls yearly. But even if you don’t end up applying to one of the big-name business colleges, there are many smaller schools that are very well-recognized that are worth a shout. There’s no shortage of quality MBA options in the United States, and you’re sure to find one that suits your financial needs and goals.

Your network is your net worth

The fact that the US is a world-renowned hub for MBAs also means there are established student and alumni networks that you can tap into, to create new connections to take you further in your career after graduation. One of the key attractions of American MBA programmes is that they’re excellent for networking opportunities. Firstly, you can readily connect with like-minded students on your course to learn and share ideas. Who knows, maybe they’ll even become your business partners some day! More than that, you can tap into alumni networks and connect with your next potential employer, or an even investor, so that you can finally get down to starting the business venture that you’ve always wanted to.


More time to learn and grow

Unlike many MBA options in other parts of the world that typically last only for a year, American MBA programs typically stretch out over the course of two years. This is a huge draw for potential candidates because it means they have more time to build stronger connections with people they meet on the course, and also more time to pick up the skills taught on the MBA. A big part of MBA programs is case work or competitions, where students have to apply the business know-how they’ve picked up and use them to manage simulated business challenges. More time to work on hands-on, practical coursework, equates to more preparation for dealing with real challenges on the job–  a definite plus in the eyes of students and employers alike.

Elevate your job prospects

Because of the longstanding prestige and reputation that American business schools have, an MBA from a US institution is sure to give you a leg up when it comes to employment prospects. If you’re looking for work in the US, an American MBA is much-coveted by local employers. If you’re an international student, the MBA could be your ticket into the US job market for you after graduation as well. Even in non-US markets, an American MBA is sure to pique the attention of large corporations– and a sure-fire way to set you apart in the recruitment process.

Climb the career ladder with an MBA

An MBA is also a great way to help you clinch a promotion, as it shows your employer that you’re making a serious commitment to elevate your skills and knowledge. An MBA can be the key that helps them to unlock a job switch from administrative to managerial positions. The communication, leadership and organisational skills you stand to gain from an MBA are a sign that you’re ready to make a big career move and climb the job ladder at work. The networks that you gain on a US MBA program are likely to catch your boss’s eye, and help them see that you have lots to bring to the table for the company.

Get the pay rise you’ve always wanted

A salary bump is something we can all get behind; and an MBA is a qualification that leads to a pay rise. An MBA is often considered to be a challenging qualification and sometimes time-consuming qualification. After all, taking yourself out of employment for a couple of years to upgrade your skills is a serious commitment. However, fortunately, the efforts of MBA candidates are typically recognised by employers. One of the reasons why MBAs remain so popular is because it’s often thought that they’ll lead to an improvement in salary. However, if you have an MBA from a US institution, the prestige and reputation of your degree means that a pay rise is more likely than not to happen.

Make international connections

MBA programs in the US are a nexus for talented business students from all over the world. In your lecture halls, you’re sure to rub shoulders with fascinating course mates from every corner of the globe, all of whom are driven by similar passions as you. This makes for a diverse and vibrant learning environment. You’ll get the chance to learn about the business culture and practices across the globe, including things that you may never be able to find in a textbook. Such opportunities are hard to come by, but also could give you an edge when you work on international deals post-graduation. Of course, you could tap into international business networks as well, via your course mates, and increase business opportunities available to yourself endlessly.

Pick a course that suits your specific needs

The legacy of business schools in the US means that the MBA programs there have numerous specialisations to suit your specific needs. Whether you’re keen to further a career in operations marketing or business strategy, you’re likely to find a program that will match your profile and goals in the US. Specialisation is no doubt a great sign to employers that you know exactly how you want to contribute to an organisation, and could be key to help you level up in the workplace.

In conclusion…

By this point in the article, it’s clear that an MBA is a worthy investment, and will help you reap professional and monetary benefits for a long time. An MBA program in the US however, grants you access to advantages that are hard to replicate in any other country. This is why America remains the nation of choice for many MBA-hopefuls worldwide. If you’ve an interest in business and want to enhance your qualifications to get further in your career, an American MBA is definitely something to consider.


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