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SOAS University of London: Labour Activism and Development

Institution SOAS University of London View institution profile
Department Development Studies
Telephone 020 7898 4700
Study type Taught


Students are encouraged to examine critically the relationship between labour, capitalism, development and poverty. We investigate labour in the contemporary social and economic development of the Global South as well as established and emerging social movements of labour in local, national and international spaces. You will learn to identify and evaluate the relationship between collective agency, policy and vice-versa.

A virtual or physical placement in an organisation promoting collective and progressive social change will enable you to develop an understanding of how a social movement or a union deal with such issues in practice.

We work in a seminar/tutorial formats that encourage critical thinking and participation via an emphasis on the relationship between theory and practice. Programme lecturers are not just research active. We are also activists and have experience of participation in labour and social movements across the world - Latin America, Africa and Asia and Europe and have on-going contacts with such movements as well as with NGOs and international organisations. We are well-placed to work with you on applying a deep understanding of collective movements to the challenge of working in development, development-related organisations and beyond into education and corporate social responsibility at various levels and scales.

Students can draw on SOAS’s unique experience to specialise further in particular regions and topics. Regional expertise at SOAS allows students of MSc in Labour, Activism and Development to specialise in some of the most dynamic parts of the developing world. Students also benefit from the wide range of modules on offer, both within the department and across the School, allowing them to create individualised interdisciplinary programmes.

The programme’s emphasis on transferable analytical skills will be of great benefit to graduates who return to, or take up, professional careers in international organisations, government agencies and non-governmental organisations and movements.

The department has a Labour, Movements and Development research cluster which carries out research activities linked to labour, social movements and development.


Develop a truly global perspective

Attracting the brightest minds from all over the world to create a community that is diverse, vibrant and multinational, SOAS University of London is a unique institution specialising in the study of Africa, Asia and the Near and Middle East.

Our programmes cover a broad set of disciplines within the arts, humanities and social sciences.

Our vision is of an interconnected world where SOAS plays an important role in addressing the issues facing the world by:

  • Challenging perspectives through research and teaching
  • Applying a global lens to the critical issues of our time
  • Developing graduates …
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