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School of Management Fribourg: EMBA in Integrated Management

Institution School of Management Fribourg
Department Single Tier Structure
Study type Taught


ALL IN FLUX Market globalisation, a growing environmental complexity, and rapid change are setting new challenges for corporate executives. The future belongs to those entrepreneurs who know how to master new situations dynamically. The School of Management Fribourg has offered an Executive MBA since 1999 to meet these challenges.

MODERN AND PRACTICAL TEACHING Teaching content is concrete and practical and constantly enriched and adapted to meet the latest evolutions in modern business management. Candidates have the opportunity to apply what they haved learned individually and in groups. Numerous case studies and simulations permit participants to measure the consequences of their decisions. Teaching is done in three languages (60% in French, and 40% in English or German).

ACCREDITATION The EMBA programme has been approved by the OAQ (Swiss Center of Accrediation and Quality Assurance in Higher Education). The degree issued is recognised by the Confederation.

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